The Plane, dog, and girl: a Good Shop Story!

i like vintage toys – who doesn’t?! At least once a week Sue comes up with a good shop story and this week it was about a young lady no more than ten years old who came into the shop with her mom. As you might imagine, most kids who come in, mope around half […]
Antique Shops and Thrift Stores on the Hidden Coast Scenic Byway
Not sure about you, but when I leave town a favorite pastime is going to local antique shops and thrift stores. Big surprise, I know. 🙂 And to find them, I do exactly what you do… Google Search. The problem with that is a lot of times all sorts of big travel websites come up; […]
Vintage Seattle: 1960’s Tourist Booklet Pictorial

I aim to keep an eclectic mix of fun stuff in the shop so that any given day you might find the beer tap handle you can’t live without alongside gas cans, wood slabs, and windows. And when it comes to vintage Seattle and Washington State memorabilia, when I find it, I buy it! To […]
Judy McVay the Ultimate (Wood Carved) Sign

To say that pulling a 16-foot wood carved sign from the attic of an old service station in Copalis Beach took the top spot on my ‘best of’ list, is an understatement. It did so much more; fed my obsession with Washington State history, my love of forestry, brought new friends and family into my […]
Sooz Cool Vintage Stuff Foster Program

Cool vintage stuff sometimes turns into “dilemma time” for those of us trying to make a living as sellers – not collectors! I’ll tell you firsthand it’s particularly difficult to resist when you stumble upon a dream pick. Which by definition includes all the essentials; a five minute drive, invitation-only (aka no competition), and TONS […]