I suppose there’s always been hidden art in Aberdeen that goes unseen while passing through en route to the beach. Now that I live here, it is interesting to notice the art as I drive in and out of Grays Harbor on my way to work, picking.
In my world, Aberdeen has been affectionately renamed “going to town.” Which means a whole lot of picking up goods we can’t get at the beach — like cheaper gas and expensive dog food for my picky sidekick, Wrigley.
Come as you are
Aberdeen is a logging town from way back and it certainly has the gritty history to prove it. But it also has a budding brew house vibe with the likes of Steam Donkey and Mt. Olympus leading the way. And finally (big round of applause) Aberdeen started a Sunday market with lots of local growers in attendance.
And finally, the hidden art. Yes, it’s always been there to some degree but it’s way more significant and has grown considerably since I was a kid. For example the murals count has increased exponentially.
D&R Theatre Suchers and Sons
I dropped into town the other day and decided to wander around a bit – you know – take in the sights. I happened upon an alley that looked a tad sketchy at first glance but sucked me in with this mural. If you’re a dog lover like me – you know why!

This particular alley, which happens to be directly behind Steam Donkey’s Taproom, has been turned into a “pop-up” outdoor art venue — chock full of graffiti, and murals,of which are lovely and many with thought-provoking messages about life, drug use, and the pursuit of happiness.
Lovely hidden art along the alley…
This is only a sampling of what I found. The next time you wander through Aberdeen in the day time, it’s worth the few minutes to check out the hidden art in the alley between Heron and Wishkah streets and “I” street and Broadway. Have fun!